Dialing SASSA WhatsApp Number on My Phone to Chat with SASSA for Application Status

SASSA WhatsApp Number

You can contact SASSA on WhatsApp using the official SASSA WhatsApp Number, which allows you to communicate directly with an SASSA agent to address your problems effectively.

SASSA WhatsApp Number

With the SASSA WhatsApp number 0820468553, you can reach SASSA regarding various social grant applications. This includes inquiries about rejected, cancelled, or pending status results, as well as non-receipt of monthly payments for Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350, Disability Grant, Child Support Grant, Old Age Grant, and Care Dependency Grants, all online.

  1. The official SASSA WhatsApp number is 0820468553. You can use this number to check your SASSA Status and SRD R350 grant status.
  2. You can use this number for the R350 application and status check for other SASSA grants.

Please remember, when using WhatsApp to contact SASSA about Social Grants and SRD R350, submit only one application. Also, keep in mind that only South African citizens with registered phone numbers can reach SASSA on WhatsApp.

Status Check on SASSA WhatsApp Number

SASSA remains committed to offering vital assistance, and the official WhatsApp number is an invaluable tool for beneficiaries of social grants and the SRD R350 program. You can use the provided SASSA WhatsApp Number for inquiries related to grant eligibility, application status checks, and addressing questions, akin to the GovChat platform.

Status Check on SASSA WhatsApp Number, Infographics of steps, live char details to explain the method, how to use Sassa whatsapp to check Sassa Status with SMS for approved payment

Here, we assist you in connecting with the official SASSA WhatsApp number for the purpose of checking your Sassa application status while also resolving any declined or pending grant.

  1. You need to save Sassa WhatsApp number “0820468553” on your phone contacts.
  2. Launch WhatsApp on your cell phone device.
  3. Open a new chat with Sassa WhatsApp to communicate directly with official agents.
  4. You can start the conversation with the message “SASSA.”
  5. A range of options will be presented in the prompt that you can reply with 4. “Status.”
  6. Submit your choice and wait for the answer, which takes 2 to 5 minutes.
  7. You will receive Sassa status for your grant application.

This is a direct communication channel with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), and you can use the SASSA WhatsApp service to quickly resolve your grant application issues.

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  1. nigel lennert says:

    Good day Sir/Madam i did lost my phone number cant seem to receive my srd moneys at all please help?

    ID : 6607 3051010
    OLD num : 068 31695
    NEW num : 06788 36 3

    1. How to cancel 350 because some 1 applied sassa with my ID number and I don’t know the number used to applied… they changed my details